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Updated: 2 hours 20 min ago

Global origins of local food favourites

Wed, 2016-06-08 17:53
Italy's tomatoes and Thailand's potent chillies, although closely associated with these nations, have their historical roots elsewhere, a study reveals.
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VIDEO: Drone footage shows NZ whales from above

Wed, 2016-06-08 08:50
Footage of Bryde's whales feeding has been caught on camera.
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Bleaching 'devastates' UK tropical reef

Wed, 2016-06-08 02:21
Up to 85% of the corals in the Chagos Marine Reserve of the British Indian Ocean Territory are estimated to have been damaged or killed in the current global bleaching event.
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Gravity space mission passes big test

Wed, 2016-06-08 00:06
The Lisa Pathfinder mission, which was designed to demonstrate the technologies needed to detect gravitational waves in space, has been a stunning success, say officials.
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Origin of mystery deep-sea mushroom revealed

Tue, 2016-06-07 18:15
Australian scientists have used genetic material to pinpoint the origin of the deep-sea mushroom, an unusual gelatinous creature first dredged up near Tasmania in 1986.
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Cancer cure needs Ebola-level action

Tue, 2016-06-07 08:34
The hunt for a cancer cure should be treated with as much urgency as the Ebola outbreak, says US Vice-President Joe Biden.
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VIDEO: Lab tries to grow human organs inside pigs

Mon, 2016-06-06 07:27
Scientists in the United States are trying to grow human organs inside pigs.
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Bid to grow transplant organs in pigs

Mon, 2016-06-06 07:12
US scientists try to grow human organs inside pigs to solve the transplant shortage by injecting human stem cells into pig embryos.
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PM and Boris clash over EU fishing laws

Sun, 2016-06-05 10:04
David Cameron and Boris Johnson clash over the impact of the EU on the UK's fishing industry, during an interview with the BBC's Countryfile programme.
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Hubble clocks faster cosmic expansion

Fri, 2016-06-03 21:55
The Universe may be expanding up to 9% faster than previously thought, according to new measurements from the Hubble Space Telescope.
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'Lost city' was created by nature

Fri, 2016-06-03 19:32
Ancient underwater remains thought to be a "long lost city" are in fact the result of a naturally occurring phenomenon, researchers find.
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Snails decide using 'two brain cells'

Fri, 2016-06-03 19:31
Snails use two brain cells to make "complex decisions", a team of scientists finds.
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Flat lens promises revolution in optics

Fri, 2016-06-03 19:08
A flat lens made of paint whitener on a sliver of glass could revolutionise optics, its US inventors say.
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Astronomers probe below Jupiter's clouds

Fri, 2016-06-03 12:17
US astronomers have managed to peer deep into the atmosphere of Jupiter using a radio telescope here on Earth.
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Plastic in sea 'like fast food for fish'

Fri, 2016-06-03 08:49
Young fish become hooked on eating plastic in the seas in the same way that teenagers prefer unhealthy fast food, researchers say.
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Nepal drains dangerous Everest lake

Fri, 2016-06-03 01:06
Nepal's army begins work to drain rising waters in a lake near Everest, one the highest projects of its kind.
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First two Slovenian 'dragon eggs' hatch

Thu, 2016-06-02 21:25
Following a four-month wait, the clutch of eggs belonging to a curious Slovenian cave salamander has started to hatch.
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Temple to face charges over dead tigers

Thu, 2016-06-02 19:16
Thai authorities says they will press charges against the controversial Tiger Temple, after 40 dead cubs were found during a raid on the site.
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King Tut's knife 'made from meteorite'

Thu, 2016-06-02 19:00
A dagger entombed alongside the mummy of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun was made with iron that came from a meteorite, researchers say.
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MPs sound alarm on neglected soils

Thu, 2016-06-02 11:32
MPs warn that continued soil degradation risks putting some of the UK’s most productive agricultural land beyond profitable use within a generation.
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