Wild Rivers Legislation

Mon, 2011-11-14 18:31 -- adminssee
Tuesday, July 26, 2011 - 18:30 to 20:30
Steve Posselt (kayak4earth) and Scott Buchanan (DERM)
Engineering House, Hawken Auditorium, 447 Upper Edward St, Brisbane
Event Details: 


                         Wild Rivers seminar

The Queensland Parliament passed the Wild River Act in October 2005 (Wild Rivers Act 2005).  The purpose of this Act is to preserve the natural values of rivers that have not been significantly affected by development – that is, rivers that have all, or almost all, of their natural values intact.
What is a wild river and why do we need them?
With an entertaining and sometimes confronting view from his kayak over 5,000km, Steve Posselt (kayak4earth) will describe what has happened with our sometimes confused view of "improvements" to river systems.
Scott Buchanan from DERM will provide a Government perspective of Wild Rivers Legislation, its history and purpose, key milestones to date, plus current a future challenges.
Presentations kindly made available by the speakers for member's information are listed below:

When available, video streaming of the presentations and panel discussion will be available on Engineers Australia's website.

The event flyer can be downloaded here.


                                  SEng Qld AGM

                                   Chair report 2010-2011
                                   Treasurer report
                                   Committee nominations

Minutes of the 2011 SEng Qld Chapter AGM held on Tuesday 26 July 2011 can be accessed here.