Carbon Markets Workshop

Mon, 2011-11-14 18:05 -- adminssee
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 13:00 to 16:30
Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre
Event Details: 

The carbon trading game is a hand-on simulation of Australian carbon trading. It is designed to give players practical experience and first hand insight into how carbon trading will work in Australia. Participants will play the role of a major company with exposure to the carbon market (eg a generator, coal miner, aluminium company, fertilizer manufacturer, etc). Participant will develop a trading strategy for their company to minimize the impact of carbon trading, trade in the market and protect their profits.

Traders will bid into the carbon market and trade credits on the secondary market. They will also be faced with a series of ‘make or buy’ internal project choices offering internal reduction and abatement opportunities to complement the trading strategy. The game is based on the current principles of the proposed Australian Carbon Trading scheme and will reflect the real market as closely as possible.

We will run a number of rounds (equivalent to a number of trading years) and the market will evolve over time in complexity and flexibility. After each round the teams will calculate the impact on their company’s profits and reflect on what they have learnt.

Insight, past experience and key lessons

Interspersed with the simulation game will be information and discussion of the practical experience of carbon trading in the previous markets around the world. Traders can learn from the experience of past global markets and incorporate this into their strategy. We look at the lessons and smart plays that prepared businesses and traders can bring to the Australian carbon markets.

What participants are likely to get out of the workshop:

  • Practical, hands on experience in carbon trading
  • Insight into how the Australian carbon market will actually work, ,
  • Insight into how carbon trading will affect your business and what you need to do to prepare for carbon trading
  • Insight into what the Australian carbon market will and won’t achieve.

A fun way to learn about carbon trading

The trading game is designed to be a fun and enjoyable insight into the world of carbon trading. It helps people to understand firsthand what carbon trading is, and isn’t, how the market will work and what it is likely to achieve.

This training is being conducted in conjunction with the SSEE 2011 International Conference, but you don't need to register for the conference to attend, although the conference is a not to be missed event!

Click here to register.