The Basin Plan - lessons to learn from

Wed, 2013-02-27 09:56 -- adminssee
Tuesday, March 5, 2013 - 18:00 to 19:30
Jodie Swirepik
Engineering House, ACT
Event Details: 

In November 2012 the first Basin Plan made under the Commonwealth Water Act 2007 was finalised.  The Basin Plan is a Commonwealth legislative instrument that relates to the management of water within the Basin and coordinates water use across the Basin's four states and one territory.  Significantly, the Plan set limits on the amount of surface water and groundwater that can be used throughout the Basin.  These limits are known as Sustainable Diversion Limits.

This talk will provide a description of the four-year preparation of the Basin Plan and the work involved to bring the Plan to completion, including the important role of public consultation processes.  The implementation of the Basin Plan has now commenced and the talk will describe the work now underway and the activities through to 2019 when the Sustainable Diversion Limits under the Plan come into effect.   The talk will also discuss the role of engineers in this  implementation phase.