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Updated: 2 hours 39 min ago

Credit card theft: why it pays to be careful

Wed, 2016-01-27 08:56
GREAT MOMENTS IN SCIENCE: Criminals don't need to steal your credit card to get your information. There are many other sneaky ways they nab your details, says Dr Karl.

Ants use brains and brawn to share the load

Tue, 2015-12-15 13:17
GREAT MOMENTS IN SCIENCE: Ever wondered how tiny little ants coordinate a raid on the cat's bowl? Humans could learn a lot from the answer, says Dr Karl.

How are planets born?

Tue, 2015-12-08 11:51
GREAT MOMENTS IN SCIENCE: Scientists recently witnessed the birth an exoplanet the size of Jupiter. Dr Karl explains how planets are born from the apparent emptiness of space.

Fly eyes inspire solar panels

Tue, 2015-12-01 14:31
GREAT MOMENTS IN SCIENCE: The eye of a 45-million-year-old fly can increase the power output of a solar panel by 10 per cent. Dr Karl is inspired by how an ancient insect helped solve a modern problem.

Emoji lords to release 67 new symbols

Tue, 2015-11-24 08:00
GREAT MOMENTS IN SCIENCE: If you love smiley faces you'll weep tears of joy about the news we're about to get more emojis! Dr Karl reveals who holds the ultimate emoji power.

How on Earth do planes fly?

Tue, 2015-11-17 11:51
GREAT MOMENTS IN SCIENCE: Seeing a plane get off the ground is an amazing sight! Dr Karl investigates the science of flying planes.

How many cells in a person?

Tue, 2015-11-10 09:28
GREAT MOMENTS IN SCIENCE: It's a surprisingly hard question to answer, but Dr Karl has tracked down a reasonable estimate of the number of cells in the human body.

The beautiful act of vomiting

Tue, 2015-11-03 11:56
GREAT MOMENTS IN SCIENCE: Vomiting may be disgusting but the physical processes behind it are actually beautifully choreographed, says Dr Karl.

A place where monsters hide

Mon, 2015-08-17 00:00
STARSTUFF IMAGE OF THE WEEK: Giant lobes of gas billow out from monster stars at the heart of Eta Carinae, the biggest star system in our part of the universe
Categories: Around The Web
