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BBC News - Science & Environment
Updated: 2 hours 54 min ago

Philippines: The boy diving for plastic

Wed, 2019-11-13 10:13
Ranniel dives into one of Manila's most polluted rivers for less than two dollars a day.
Categories: Around The Web

England floods: What is making them worse?

Wed, 2019-11-13 03:45
Why has the huge amount of rainfall that hit South Yorkshire had such a large impact on people and property?
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Where plastic outnumbers fish by seven to one

Tue, 2019-11-12 22:40
Plastic is building up in the areas of the ocean where fish feed and grow, according to research.
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Fracking: Have the Conservatives left open the back door?

Tue, 2019-11-12 21:58
The Conservatives are accused of harbouring ambitions to revive fracking after the general election.
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Some people 'genetically wired' to avoid some vegetables

Tue, 2019-11-12 20:43
An inherited gene makes certain healthy foods taste exceptionally bitter and unpleasant, according to researchers.
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Vaping nearly killed me, says British teenager

Tue, 2019-11-12 10:36
Vaping caused a catastrophic reaction in Ewan Fisher's lungs that meant he could not breathe.
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Is China gaining an edge in artificial intelligence?

Tue, 2019-11-12 10:02
The US-China over artificial intelligence is heating up, but some warn the US could be over-reacting.
Categories: Around The Web

Climate change: Bigger hurricanes are now more damaging

Tue, 2019-11-12 06:53
The most damaging tropical cyclones are three times more frequent now than they were 100 years ago.
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Ice loss causing Arctic to reflect less heat

Tue, 2019-11-12 06:06
A loss of snow and ice cover are the main reasons for the reduction of the Arctic's albedo effect, not soot as had been previously thought.
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Planet Mercury passes across the face of the Sun

Tue, 2019-11-12 00:33
Astronomers are observing a rare event, a transit of the planet Mercury.
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Bloodhound diary: Racing at over 500mph

Mon, 2019-11-11 23:39
Land speed record holder Andy Green finally gets to drive the Bloodhound car across the Kalahari.
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Bird of the Year: Rare anti-social penguin wins New Zealand poll

Mon, 2019-11-11 22:12
The rare hoiho becomes the first penguin to take the title, after two weeks of "memes and trash-talk".
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Climate change: Speed limits for ships can have 'massive' benefits

Mon, 2019-11-11 10:51
Cutting the speed of ships by 20% can benefit health, protect whales and limit warming, say campaigners.
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Climate change: Airlines accused of 'putting profit before planet'

Mon, 2019-11-11 10:47
A British Airways insider says the industry deliberately fills planes with extra fuel to save costs.
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Durwood Zaelke: How your air conditioning could help to save the planet

Mon, 2019-11-11 10:08
The man behind a key amendment to a major climate treaty thinks that he has a way to cool the Earth.
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Bloodhound land speed car will be back racing next week

Sun, 2019-11-10 01:28
Engineers think they understand why a heat sensor has been playing up on the superfast desert vehicle.
Categories: Around The Web

Heat sensor frustrates Bloodhound land speed car

Sat, 2019-11-09 01:57
The British supercar cuts short its latest run because of temperature concerns but still clocks 481mph.
Categories: Around The Web

Climate change: Sea ice loss linked to spread of deadly virus

Fri, 2019-11-08 19:56
Scientists say the decline of Arctic sea ice is connected to the spread of disease among marine mammals.
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Boston Dynamics boss learned by unbalancing toddler

Thu, 2019-11-07 21:08
Marc Raibert tells BBC News he nudged his daughter over just to work out how people balance.
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The 'Bloodhound' supercar aiming to break the land speed record

Thu, 2019-11-07 16:09
The BBC met the driver of Bloodhound - part racing car and part spaceship - during testing in South Africa.
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