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BBC News - Science & Environment
Updated: 1 hour 21 min ago

Pegasus rocket launches from underside of plane

Fri, 2016-12-16 02:05
Small satellites, meant to detect wind speed in stormy weather, blast off over Cape Canaveral on an air-launched rocket.
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EU's Galileo satellite system goes live after 17 years

Thu, 2016-12-15 23:39
Europe launches its long-delayed Galileo satellite system, aiming to be the world's most accurate.
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Babies made from three people approved in UK

Thu, 2016-12-15 21:28
Babies made from two women and one man win approval from the UK's fertility regulator.
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Light pollution dampens urban robins' song

Thu, 2016-12-15 20:56
The song and behaviour of the UK's favourite bird is being affected by light and noise pollution, a study reveals.
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New marine life found in deep sea vents

Thu, 2016-12-15 13:41
Six new animal species are identified at deep-sea vents beneath the Indian Ocean.
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New spider species resembles Harry Potter 'Sorting Hat'

Thu, 2016-12-15 13:18
A newly discovered spider bears an "uncanny" resemblance to a magical hat in the Harry Potter books.
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Guerrilla archiving

Thu, 2016-12-15 10:51
Canadian "guerrilla" archivists will help in scramble to preserve US federal climate data.
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How do you drill into a 500C volcano?

Thu, 2016-12-15 08:50
Scientists in Iceland are drilling in to a volcano to harness the energy from beneath the Earth.
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Geologists target 500C volcano's energy

Thu, 2016-12-15 08:41
Geologists in Iceland are drilling into the heart of a volcano to create a super-hot borehole they can tap for energy.
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Sentinels map Earth's slow surface warping

Thu, 2016-12-15 07:02
British researchers are now routinely mapping a great swathe of Earth's surface, looking for the subtle warping that ultimately leads to quakes.
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World’s oldest water gets even older

Thu, 2016-12-15 00:57
Scientists have discovered a new deep source of ancient water that is at least two billion years old.
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A 'Great' message

Thu, 2016-12-15 00:34
Land Speed Record holder Andy Green has been visiting India to share insights about the Bloodhound supersonic car.
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Atlantic wave biggest ever recorded by buoy

Wed, 2016-12-14 21:17
The highest ever wave recorded by a buoy is detected in the North Atlantic.
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Fossil footprints tell story of human origins

Wed, 2016-12-14 18:07
Footprints made by early humans millions of years ago have been uncovered in Tanzania.
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'Smart boulders' record huge underwater avalanche

Wed, 2016-12-14 05:50
Scientists have had a remarkable close-up encounter with a gigantic underwater avalanche off the coast of California.
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Spy satellites reveal Himalayan melt

Wed, 2016-12-14 02:39
Scientists have used images taken by Cold War spy satellites to reveal the dramatic environmental changes occurring in the Himalayas.
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'Dead or alive' cat in physics top 10

Tue, 2016-12-13 22:53
The detection of ripples in space-time and the famous Schrödinger's Cat paradox feature in a list of 2016's physics breakthroughs.
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Team hunts tracer of 'dinosaur killer' asteroid

Tue, 2016-12-13 17:53
Scientists say they have a clue that may enable them to find traces of the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs in the very crater it made on impact.
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Black hole 'swallowed star', say Queen's astronomers

Tue, 2016-12-13 16:21
A star was 'swallowed' after it passed too close to a black hole, say Queen's University astronomers.
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World's largest reindeer herd plummets

Tue, 2016-12-13 11:17
The size of the world's largest wild reindeer herd has fallen by 40% since 2000, scientists warn.
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