Animal diaries
Specially designed tags that act as 'daily diaries' are revealing previously unknown animal behaviours.
Categories: Around The Web
Dormice in Britain 'vulnerable to extinction'
Britain's native dormouse has declined by more than a third since the year 2000 according to a new report by wildlife charity, the People's Trust for Endangered Species.
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Fair game?
Lion hunting in South Africa is a big business, but while many groups play by the rules, there are continuing reports of illegal hunts, the BBC's Alastair Leithead reports.
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Asteroid probe begins seven-year quest
Nasa launches its Osirex-Rex probe, which will try to grab a sample of rock from an asteroid and return it to Earth.
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Giraffe DNA study identifies four distinct species
A study into the DNA of giraffes reveals they are not one species, but four.
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This invention by a British student could save millions of lives across the world
A British student has invented a mobile fridge to transport vaccines on long journeys at the right temperature.
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Global effort launched to preserve precious sites
UK researchers launch a global effort to source photos of threatened or destroyed cultural landmarks and compile them into 3D reconstructions, housed within an online map.
Categories: Around The Web
Giraffe genetic secret: Four species of tallest mammal identified
It is a famous, gentle giant of the African savannah, but the giraffe's genetics have only just revealed that there is not one species, but four.
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Hundreds of key sites in England at risk of floods
As many as 530 key infrastructure sites across England are vulnerable to flooding, according to a government review.
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Astronomers search for the vanishing star
Astronomers at St Andrews university have observed tantalising glimpses of how our own planet may have been born
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DNA confirms cause of 1665 London's Great Plague
Ancient DNA testing has for the first time confirmed the identity of the bacteria behind the Great Plague of London.
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Yosemite National Park unveils 400-acre expansion
Yosemite National Park in California is to gain a 400-acre addition, its largest expansion in nearly 70 years.
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India and Nepal concern over Tibet flood advice gap
India and Nepal are concerned about flash floods due to a lack of information from China about the state of glacial lakes and rivers in Tibet.
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Smartphone study on weather and pain reveals early data
An 18-month study looking at how the weather affects chronic pain reveals some surprising preliminary results.
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Solar tuk-tuk journey halted by robbery in France
A seven-month solo journey from India to the UK in a solar and electric-powered tuk-tuk has been paused after the driver's passport was stolen near Paris.
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Oesophageal cancer tests raise hopes for earlier detection
UK researchers are developing ways to spot the early signs of oesophageal cancer, which is often not detected until its advanced stages.
Categories: Around The Web
Older drivers are 'not dangerous'
New research from Swansea University challenges the idea that older people are dangerous drivers.
Categories: Around The Web
Arctic Ocean shipping routes 'to open for months'
Shipping routes across the Arctic are going to open up significantly this century even with a best-case reduction in CO2 emissions, a new study suggests.
Categories: Around The Web
Swedish Nobel judges fired in Karolinska medical scandal
Two judges are asked to leave a Swedish panel that picks the Nobel prize for medicine in a scandal over a disgraced Italian transplant surgeon.
Categories: Around The Web
Could air pollution cause brain damage?
New research suggests air pollution could be contributing to diseases such as Alzheimer's.
Categories: Around The Web