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Updated: 2 hours 27 min ago

Simulated black hole experiment backs Hawking prediction

Tue, 2016-08-16 19:25
Results from a lab experiment have lent support to one of Stephen Hawking's most important predictions about black holes.
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Climate change sceptic versus Cox

Tue, 2016-08-16 18:29
Professor Brian Cox has verbally sparred with a newly elected Australian politician Malcolm Roberts who believes climate change is a global conspiracy.
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Culham Science Centre nuclear experts fear quarry dust

Tue, 2016-08-16 18:09
Scientists carrying out international nuclear fusion work are concerned dust from a planned quarry could affect their experiments.
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Professor Brian Cox clashes with Australian climate sceptic

Tue, 2016-08-16 11:36
British particle physicist Brian Cox verbally spars with a newly elected Australian politician who believes climate change is a global conspiracy.
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The top-secret tortoise sanctuary of Madagascar

Tue, 2016-08-16 11:03
Madagascar's conservationists work in secrecy to protect one of the world's most beautiful tortoises from poachers, writes journalist Martin Vogl.
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Viruses 'more dangerous in the morning'

Tue, 2016-08-16 09:35
Viruses are more dangerous when they infect their victims in the morning, a University of Cambridge study suggests.
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Pump action

Tue, 2016-08-16 08:05
Lonnie Johnson had an illustrious career as a nuclear engineer working on the Galileo space programme and the stealth bomber - but he is best known for creating a water pistol
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Mystery as fish land in Banff garden

Sat, 2016-08-13 00:12
Two-inch long fish have appeared in a garden in Banff.
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Monkey selfie: Animal charity Peta challenges ruling

Fri, 2016-08-12 23:57
An animal charity appeals against a court decision which ruled a monkey could not own the copyright to a selfie photograph it took.
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NZ scientists track penguins' marathon winter travels

Fri, 2016-08-12 21:58
Scientists find some rockhopper and Snares crested penguins travel 15,000km in six months.
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Hundreds of tiny Montserrat tarantulas hatch in zoo

Fri, 2016-08-12 21:46
About 200 baby Montserrat tarantulas have hatched at Chester Zoo - the first time the rare Caribbean spider has been bred in captivity.
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Chester Zoo breeds Montserrat tarantulas in world first

Fri, 2016-08-12 21:45
Keepers at Chester Zoo have become the first in the world to successfully breed Montserrat tarantulas in captivity.
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Time-lapse footage of Perseid meteor shower

Fri, 2016-08-12 21:05
Time-lapse footage has captured the Perseid meteor shower over Spain.
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Growing call for grouse shooting ban as season opens

Fri, 2016-08-12 11:26
Thousands are calling for a ban on grouse shooting, arguing the sport increases the threat faced by an endangered species of raptors.
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400-year-old Greenland shark ‘longest-living vertebrate’

Fri, 2016-08-12 10:15
Scientists say they have found a Greenland shark that is about 400 years old - making it the longest-living vertebrate known.
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Jupiter gravity push sets up 'meteor storm' on Earth

Fri, 2016-08-12 01:37
Observers are looking forward to an annual astronomical event that could to turn into a spectacular "meteor storm" in the early hours of Friday.
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Brain-robot training triggers improvement in paralysis

Thu, 2016-08-11 23:54
In a surprise result, eight paraplegic people regain partial movement after a one-year training program based on brain-controlled robotics.
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Teeth in faeces suggest ancient shark ate its young

Thu, 2016-08-11 15:01
Scientists find a baby tooth in the fossilised faeces of an extinct shark, suggesting the animals practised filial cannibalism.
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What can killer whales teach us about the menopause?

Thu, 2016-08-11 09:33
Scientists are studying killer whales in an effort to understand the mysterious biology behind the menopause - in both orcas and humans.
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Piltdown review points decisive finger at forger Dawson

Wed, 2016-08-10 22:13
After an eight-year study, researchers conclude that history's most infamous fake fossils were made by one man - the prime suspect, Charles Dawson.
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