ABC Environment

The Science Show and Ockham's Razor have always brought us commentary on the environment and climate change. Now Off Track takes us out to feel the breeze. Special features can also be found on Background Briefing and our other current affairs regulars: Breakfast, RN Drive, and the weekend Extras.
Updated: 2 hours 1 min ago
The forest-maker
Getting to the roots of FMNR: Phillip meets the man who re-forested 6 million hectares of barren African land without planting a single tree.
Categories: Around The Web
A discussion about zero waste solutions.
What to do with all our waste? From the personal, to the tonnes that we throw away every day?
Categories: Around The Web
Calls for national heatwave education campaign as temperatures soar
What's the temperature where you are right now? ANU public health expert Dr Liz Hanna is calling for a national education campaign to help us manage heat stress.
Categories: Around The Web
'Demand for Australian coal will continue to grow': Matt Canavan
A report suggesting global demand for the fossil fuel will remain steady for the next five years has sparked renewed calls for investment in new coal mines here at home to meet the demand.
Categories: Around The Web
'It would open a Pandora's box': States push back on water review
State water ministers meeting in Queensland are refusing to cooperate with a proposed review of water-sharing arrangements in the Murray-Darling Basin.
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Why rural voters in Australia are frustrated with politics.
Extreme voter patterns in rural areas of Australia is bringing about some interesting and unexpected results.
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Using forest therapy to restore the person and the landscape
Bush Connections mixes nature therapy with land conservation techniques to build lasting benefits for people with disabilities, whilst restoring the hidden gem of Greswell Forest.
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One man's journey from millionaire to castaway
After Sydney mining investor David Glasheen lost millions in the 1987 stock market crash, he decided to make a drastic change.
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Queensland's Stanthorpe carting in 1.5m litres of water daily
One of the biggest water-carting projects in Australian history has just begun in the Queensland town of Stanthorpe.
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Medical experts declare public health emergency
As Australia confronts a catastrophic bushfire season, a coalition of medical professionals have declared the situation a "public health emergency".
Categories: Around The Web
COP25: Australia cops criticism for carry-over emissions credits
After two weeks of tense talks at the annual UN climate conference in Madrid, nations have left the meeting deeply divided on key issues.
Categories: Around The Web
UN COP25 climate summit in Madrid finally ends in compromise deal
Global climate talks in Madrid have ended with a compromise deal, after negotiators from around the world came perilously close to leaving without an agreement.
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Science Friction's End of the Year quiz show!
It's boys against girls. Unleash the nerds and mischief. Play along.
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Call of the wild
Discovering the people and the places through sound, India and Norway.
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Earworms from planet earth XI
Birds sing at a mining camp, cicadas grind the gears of locals and mysterious sounds are identified. Listen to the sounds of Australia as recorded by the Off Track audience.
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Science with Jonathan Webb: The silent extinction in our oceans
While the increased intensity of bushfires might be the headline-grabbing consequences of climate change at the moment, there's also a "silent extinction" unfolding in our oceans.
Categories: Around The Web
Looking back on 2019: The year in sound
It's time to look back on the year that was. Marc Fennell and Madeleine Genner bring us the sounds of the year.
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Ensham mine first test of new Qld mining rehabilitation laws
Tough new rules requiring resource companies to progressively rehabilitate as they mine came into effect in Queensland last month.
Categories: Around The Web
Examining rising heat to build future cities
With a prediction of an even hotter summer this time around, what can be done to cool urban environments? The Northern Territory is widely recognised for it's steamy summer temperatures, and is now the testing ground for heat mitigating research.
Categories: Around The Web
NT Government accused of jeopardising commercial solar projects
Despite its plentiful solar resources and the Northern Territory Government's 50 per cent renewables by 2030 policy, the NT has the lowest green energy adoption of any Australian state.
Categories: Around The Web