ABC Environment

The Science Show and Ockham's Razor have always brought us commentary on the environment and climate change. Now Off Track takes us out to feel the breeze. Special features can also be found on Background Briefing and our other current affairs regulars: Breakfast, RN Drive, and the weekend Extras.
Updated: 1 hour 18 min ago
Earworms From Planet Earth X
A magpie calls to the rising sun, a fat green frog sings in a water tank and an endangered lemur moans about its family. Ann Jones takes you and a bunch of experts on an ear-tour.
Categories: Around The Web
COAG agrees to phase out recyclable waste exports
The Prime Minister has hosted his first COAG meeting since the election, and by all accounts it was pretty productive.
Categories: Around The Web
Recycling crisis leaves consumers without options
State and local governments have been struggling to stop plastic, glass, paper and cardboard from entering landfill, or being stockpiled, since other countries began rejecting our waste. So what now?
Categories: Around The Web
Recycling crisis leaves consumers without options
State and local governments have been struggling to stop plastic, glass, paper and cardboard from entering landfill, or being stockpiled, since other countries began rejecting our waste. So what now?
Categories: Around The Web
AGL to delay closure of Liddell power station to 2023
The future of the Liddell power station NSW's Hunter Valley is again far from certain with the NSW Government joining a Federal Task Force looking at both short and long-term options for the aging coal plant.
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Climate report warns of dire consequences for the planet
A major climate report is warning of dire consequences for the planet unless strong action is taken to improve food production and change land use.
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Experts' special report on climate change and land
A new IPCC report shows unprecedented levels of land exploitation are contributing to climate change and threatening food security. What can be done in the short- and long-term?
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Can we fix it? The repair economy
We live a throw-away society, but there's help out there to repair broken items. With some leadership and tweaking of economic leavers, it could be so much better.
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Nuclear power as climate change solution
While the rest of the world is turning off nuclear power, we in Australia are looking at including it in our energy mix.
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Energy regulator takes legal action against four wind farm operators
The Australian Energy Regulator is taking legal action against four wind farm operators. The Grattan Institute's Tony Wood joins RN Drive.
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Fears Stanthorpe will become first major town to run out of water
As the worst drought on record rages on, it's feared the southern Queensland community of Stanthorpe could become the first major Australian town to run out of water.
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High steaks: The battle over meat alternatives in the US
There's a new generation of meat alternatives, from plant-based "meat" that bleeds to lab-grown animal cells, but some US states are moving to stop them being marketed as meat.
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Is there an appetite for nuclear energy in Australia?
Former Howard government nuclear review head Dr Ziggy Switkowski says "let the market decide", ahead of an inquiry into nuclear power.
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Australia's first carbon farming prize offers $20k incentive
Australian farmers are being encouraged to register soil carbon farming projects under the Federal Government's Emissions Reduction Fund.
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Country Drive - Snail caviar, clean meat and Murray Darling basin
Warwick Long talks snail caviar and lab-grown meat.
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Parliamentary committee to examine nuclear energy
The Government has asked for a report on nuclear power from its Standing Committee on Energy. Tony Wood from the Grattan Institute discusses the issue.
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New inspector-general to police Murray-Darling waters
The new inspector-general for the Murray-Darling Basin says he won't be surprised if he discovers corruption in the system.
Categories: Around The Web
Coalition wants to embrace nuclear power
Australia's decade-long energy wars have taken a new twist with the Morrison Government ordering a Senate inquiry into the feasibility of nuclear power in this country.
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Counterculture - the environment movement
The movement to protect Australia’s rich environmental heritage shifted from polite, backroom persuasion to sometimes violent confrontation in bush and city.
Categories: Around The Web
Losing the fight against fire ants
The fire ant is a tiny yet destructive pest that has infested more than 500 000 hectares of South East Queensland. Will a 10-year, 410 million dollar program be enough to eradicate it?
Categories: Around The Web