ABC Environment

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The Science Show and Ockham's Razor have always brought us commentary on the environment and climate change. Now Off Track takes us out to feel the breeze. Special features can also be found on Background Briefing and our other current affairs regulars: Breakfast, RN Drive, and the weekend Extras.
Updated: 2 hours 8 min ago

Is the PM right on Australia's climate change efforts?

Thu, 2019-09-26 18:06
Overnight at the UN General Assembly, the Prime Minister Scott Morrison delivered a robust defence of his Government's commitment to reducing carbon emissions. The Prime Minister's speech has also been criticised by Labor and the Greens as misleading. But was it?
Categories: Around The Web

PM's 'long-term' climate policy is "insane": Jean Hinchcliffe

Thu, 2019-09-26 08:05
Prime Minister Scott Morrison addressed the United Nations General Assembly overnight, outlining his vision to tackle plastic pollution and protect our oceans.
Categories: Around The Web

Wherever we look, climate change is altering the planet: IPCC

Thu, 2019-09-26 07:34
According to the IPCC's latest report detailing the dramatic impact that climate change is having on the world's oceans and polar regions, sea levels could rise by over a metre by the end of this century.
Categories: Around The Web

Morrison "defensive" in response to criticism of climate policy at UN

Thu, 2019-09-26 06:05
At the UN General Assembly, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has defended Australia's record on climate change action.
Categories: Around The Web

How to help a child with eco-anxiety

Wed, 2019-09-25 18:25
The Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said the climate change movement has caused "needless anxiety" in children.
Categories: Around The Web

Free riding: Why act, when acting is likely to make no difference?

Wed, 2019-09-25 11:30
Are there reasons to act in a particular way, to willingly make some sacrifice, do something which may be good, and which we may even be committed to, when our actions (or lack of action) are likely to be of no consequence? Is size detrimental to democratic community? Professor Roger Crisp joins us to discuss whether the free rider problem highlights the limitation of moral philosophy.
Categories: Around The Web

Dam in drought-declared region to be reduced to 42pc despite drought

Wed, 2019-09-25 07:51
Central Queensland farmers are furious about a decision to release more than 100,000 megalitres of water from a key dam in the drought-stricken region, arguing the precious resource will be wasted.
Categories: Around The Web

Former PM Kevin Rudd talks climate change, relations with China

Tue, 2019-09-24 19:06
The former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says the world's slow progress on climate change is "pretty grim," and Greta Thunberg's address at the UN captures the rage of a generation.
Categories: Around The Web

Alan Tudge on Greta Thunberg and encouraging migrants to settle outside of major cities

Tue, 2019-09-24 18:35
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison did not find time to attend the UN climate summit which took place in New York, despite being in the US this week.
Categories: Around The Web

Greta Thunberg and the pressures of activism

Tue, 2019-09-24 18:25
Climate activist Greta Thunberg was visibly emotional as she addressed the UN Climate Action Summit in new York yesterday, and has since been ridiculed online by the US President - how much pressure does this much exposure put on a 16 year old?
Categories: Around The Web

Cleaning up chemical contaminants

Mon, 2019-09-23 20:05
Chemicals in the air, soil and water which are the by-product of manufacturing can pose a risk to human health. In this era of social media there's often conflicting information about hazardous chemicals and the best way to clean them up. Who do communities turn to for information and remediation?
Categories: Around The Web

Labor says PM should be attending climate summit

Mon, 2019-09-23 18:35
As world leaders meet in New York to discuss climate change, the World Meteorological Organisation is warning that its effects are accelerating dramatically.
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Climate change is accelerating - new report

Mon, 2019-09-23 18:15
The World Meteorological Organisation has released a landmark report ahead of the UN Climate Summit in New York. It says climate change is s hitting us "harder and sooner" than predicted.
Categories: Around The Web

Countries urged to act at UN climate summit

Mon, 2019-09-23 07:35
Later today, nations will unveil new plans for curbing their emissions at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York, but Australia will not be among them.
Categories: Around The Web

'Bring plans, not speeches': World leaders gather for UN climate summit

Mon, 2019-09-23 06:35
World leaders are gathering for the UN Climate Action Summit in New York today, as the WMO releases a disturbing report on the current state of climate change.
Categories: Around The Web

What can time-travelling seeds teach us about climate change?

Sat, 2019-09-21 12:05
A modern powerhouse and hundreds of old seeds are allowing scientists to 'time-travel' and study past climate change.
Categories: Around The Web

What – or who – is contributing to deforestation of the Amazon?

Sat, 2019-09-21 09:06
Two Brazilian firms with connections to the Trump administration have made gradual steps toward the expansion of agribusiness in the rainforest.
Categories: Around The Web

Country Breakfast Features

Sat, 2019-09-21 06:45
This week as climate protests take to the world stage, farmers in Australia rally for a national conversation; how regenerative farming could benefit both business and the environment; and what happens when food goes bad?
Categories: Around The Web

Saving the Ocean part 3 [re-issue]

Sat, 2019-09-21 05:30
Lindsay Smith has been tagging seabirds in the deep waters off Wollongong for over thirty years. Commercial fishing practice can have a devastating impact on seabird populations. But science is figuring out how to best mitigate the damage. This program is a re-issue from the Off Track archives while Ann takes a short break.
Categories: Around The Web

300,000 join climate strikes across Australia

Fri, 2019-09-20 18:15
Hundreds of thousands of young people, and more than a few adults, have taken to the streets to call for stronger action to fight climate change. They're hoping their message will be heard by world leaders gathering in New York for the Global Climate Summit.
Categories: Around The Web
